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Parallels (2015) Movie Review

Parallels (2015) is one interesting movie about the "Parallel Universe". If you have already watched the movie "The One" by Jet Lee then the concept is very much the same. Although, the only difference is that in the Parallels movie, they use the strange building to travel into different dimensions. Worst, the building takes the characters of the movie into some random dimensions of Earth giving them a very small chance of going back into their own world. In short, they have no control which dimension that they would like to go.

It all started when Ronan Carver and his younger sister Beatrix Carver were called by their father to meet him at their old house. Unfortunately, they found out that their father went missing leaving them a rounded strange object as a clue.

As the two siblings goes for a search of their missing father, their neighbor Harold came along with them to escape from his angry mother.

The trio went into the police station to ask for help but it ends up pointless. This reminded Ronan the address of an old building that his father mentioned on their last conversation on the phone. So they went into the place.

Old Building Parallels

When they entered the old building, on the first floor, the walls were full of vandalized writings telling something about the Earth. Suddenly, the lights around the corner started flashing with sound alert. The group tried to get out of the building and they came out from a different world.

The first dimension of Earth that they traveled were ruined. And, the people seems to be brutal carrying weapons to defend themselves. The three travelers actually witnessed in front of their own eyes a group of men killing two old couple who seems to be in a hurry to run away. What is the natural thing for you to do when you see something like that happened? Of course you run and hide.

So the three travelers went back into the building to find a hiding place. Fortunately, the group of brutal people didn't followed them inside and there they met the Asian girl Polly, who seems to know a lot about the strange building.

While resting, the group of men chasing them surprisingly entered the building and captured them all. They took them into their base for their leader, Chef Stone to ask them just a couple of questions. The Asian girl handled the conversation pretty well that they almost got away when a bald old guy came out saying that they were not from their own world. Well, this guy was so clever enough to let Ronan slip out a few words in which he was supposed to be a deaf. As a result, they got caught and the two siblings were chosen by the bald guy, Tinker for interrogation.

The siblings found out that the world they came to visit was nuked by their father. And, this Tinker guy seeks for revenge against the guy who nuked their world into ruins.

Surprisingly, Ronan found a chance to disable Tinker allowing the siblings to escape. Of course, they also helped their two fellow companions locked in a cage. And then, they took and drove a car going back into the building.

Tinker who was a desperate guy wants to end everything by nuking the building. So he decided to take his powerful nuke and chased the travelers. He then fully armed his nuke just outside the building while the travelers were waiting inside for the building to get triggered for another dimensional travel. Tinker though, curiously went into the building before the nuke exploded.

The travelers had successfully escaped the nuke and managed to travel into another different dimension. This time, they entered a more futuristic Earth.

The group of travelers had decided to split into two. Harold and Beatrix went on the other route while Ronan and Polly went on the opposite.

Harold and Beatrix had decided to go and check the apartment of the other Harold who was a very successful man. There they used his computers to find some clues about Beatrix's missing father.

On the other hand, Ronan accompanied by Polly went into their old house. They didn't found any clue but instead got caught by a group of armed men who wants to kill Ronan's father. Luckily, they managed to fight out their way and escaped.

When the four travelers came back into the building, Tinker was there tinkering his newly invented device. According to him, he hacked into the building to find out the answers why the building decides to nuke his world. Suddenly, the elevator worked and a person came out surprising both the siblings that it was their father, Alex Carver.

Alex told Tinker that if he gets to the top of the building through the elevator, he will find his answer. So he goes to the top floor.

The whole family reunited again but when Ronan asked why he called for them, their father told them that he needs their help to find their mother. Of course their mother was dead on the world where they came from but she's still alive on the other dimensions. Other than that, their father revealed that they came from a different dimension and not from the Earth where they grew up. When asked about the reason, their father explained that their mother was the only one who knew about the strange object that he gave to Ronan. It was actually a very important piece of object that belongs into the Core World. So this sets their mission.

When Tinker got back down from the elevator, he told everyone that Alex was a liar but before he can speak further, Alex shot him right into the head.

Ronan and Beatrix's father seems to be in a hurry so he bid his children farewell and went out of the door. Ronan, Beatrix, Harold and Polly then used the machine invented by Tinker allowing them to choose which world to travel which was now a lot more convenient than their previous method of dimensional travels.

The movie came to an end when Polly waited for her fellow travelers to get out of the door first to meet up with her other two hidden twins. They then decided on who will go out by playing the Paper-Rock-and-Scissors game. One of them of course won and goes off into the door and that scene ends the movie.

Common Questions of the Parallels Movie

What is that rounded object entrusted by Alex to his son Ronan?

The object is actually unknown and was never clearly explained in the film. Polly though seems familiar about it but all she knew about the object was that, it belongs to the Core Earth. Alex also didn't explained anything about it, all he told them was to take the object to their mother who was the one who knows everything about it.

Are they time-travelling?

No, they were not time-travelling. According to Polly, the time flows exactly the same in all worlds. The only difference is that, some worlds are more advance than the others. While, there are also worlds that looks very much exactly the same that they only differ in the number of mosquitoes.

Why did Alex killed Tinker?

It is actually strange why Alex had to kill an old and unarmed man. Probably, Tinker found something from the top floor that the travelers must not know about.

What is the device invented by Tinker?

It is actually a hacking device that allows him to control the entire system of the building. Even Alex was impressed by how he built it. Tinker actually used it to cause damage into the system of the building to force the people out from the top floor to come out and explains things to him.

Are there really people managing from the top floor of the building?

This is another question that left the entire audience deeply puzzled. But based on my personal opinion, I think that there is no one there. If there are people on the top floor, surely they will arrest Tinker because he was a threat to the building. However, he came down back on the first floor via the elevator safe and unharmed.

Why Polly have other two twin sisters?

I really doubt if they are biologically triplets. In my own opinion, they are the same Polly from three different worlds. Perhaps, her goal was to gather all of herself into that building for some unknown purpose.

What is the core World?

According to Polly, the strange object shown by Ronan to her belongs into the core World. This is the place where the Building that allows them to travel from different dimensions was created.

Review about Parallels Movie

Everyone who has seen the movie are saying that it has a lot of unsolved mysteries. I actually agree to them. The ending leaves a lot of unanswered issues. Even when Ronan and Beatrix was able to meet their father, there were still a lot of things that he didn't clearly explained. The Asian girl were also triplets.

My personal views about the main characters:

Ronan Carver

Ronan blames himself about the death of her mother. He thinks that he was the one who killed her and that's the reason why he left his younger sister and father. I think that Ronan's decision of leaving his family to confront his guilt was his huge mistake. That didn't solve his problem which keeps on hunting him most of the time. This was the reason why he was so sensitive when it comes to talking about her mother.

Beatrix Carver

Beatrix was mad about her brother for leaving her and their father to take care. It should have been his brother who stands up and support their family but he just run away. Although, it seems that Beatrix wasn't that much angry about his brother because she seem to understand what her brother was going through.

Well, I think that Beatrix is a good sister.


Harold was a friendly neighbor and obviously aiming to have a good relationship to Beatrix. He wasn't suppose to get involved but in order to avoid her angry mother, Harold asked Ronan to come along with them.

I think that Harold is a good and nice guy in which he proved by exposing his other bad self about his wickedness.


Polly is a strange Asian girl who came out of nowhere inside the building. There are still a lot of unknown information about Polly as she never talked in the film anything about her personal background.

After watching the movie, I actually felt like that I watched a long TV Series. The plot was designed to leave the audience on their various speculations about the outcomes on the next sequel of the film. Provided that, if there's a next sequel. But what if there's none?

Some part of the film that intrigue me much was that of a character, Tinker. He claims to be an electronic enthusiasts genius that when he accidentally traveled along with the group into the futuristic Earth, It really bothers me much on how was he able to understand their technology in just a short period of time, he was even able to build his hacking device. Another issue is that, Tinker's main goal was simply to destroy the building. Why does he had to nuke it? Is the building that too sturdy to damage or destroy? In my own opinion, they could just lunch a missile and that would be enough to get rid of the building which minimizes damages from the nearby surroundings. The people also don't have to evacuate themselves away from the explosion.

When it comes to the building, I think that it is being manipulated by a program or some sort of a super computer. And I think that by damaging the system like what Tinker attempts to do with his device, this could result into two possible outcomes. First, when the system got damaged and no longer operational, the building will take them into the core World where it was originally created. Second scenario is the worst, the building no longer works where they get stranded on that dimension for the entire rest of their lives.

Another intriguing issue that bothers me a lot was the Asian girl and I'm sure that everybody also does. Polly is probably collecting herself from all different dimensions. Unlike Jet Lee from the movie The One, he was killing his other selves while Polly is collecting her other selves. I think that there is a certain outcome when every Polly from different dimensions comes close together.

Overall, the movie Parallels has an interesting story plot that is full of surprising and unexpected events that you have never seen from any other dimensional travel films. As the mystery starts to unfold, the more that it becomes more mysterious which is what actually makes it interesting enough to let you stay focused on the story.

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