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Existence of the Loch Ness Monster

The existence of the Loch Ness monster is still a mystery because there were only few individuals who had encountered this sea creatures. Based on wikipedia, this sea creature is a cryptid which means that scientist doesn't have enough or sufficient documents to prove their very existence.

It was way back in 1933 when people across the world had gained interest in the existence of the Loch Ness monster. There were several reports of the monster's sightings in the sea region of Scottish Highlands. At first the sea creature was called "lake monster" then later, it was given a proper name which is now the Loch Ness monster with a nick name "Nessie".

Loch Ness Monster

Testimonies from witnesses do slightly varies with one another but there is only one thing in common. The creature is large where some had speculated to be the last surviving specie of the dinosaurs.

Some Facts About The Loch Ness Monster

- The very first sighting of the Loch Ness monster was on April 1933. And on the following month, the monster suddenly became popular when its existence was first published on the newspaper. On the same year, the first photographic evidence was also taken.

- A circus owner had made an insane offer of rewarding anyone with a total sum of 20,000 pounds to anyone who can capture and bring the monster alive for his circus show.

- The most popular photographic evidence of Nessie was the old photo that was taken in 1934. This was the black-and-white photo of the monster that shows her head and long neck.

- Twenty men were hired and paid 2 pounds a day just to keep a close watch of the lake in case that the monster will show up. Unfortunately, they had just wasted their time because they never had any sightings. In 1934, a certain organization had formed a group with an attempt to the find the monster. The search continues in 1987 by a group called "Operation Deepscan". With the help of better modern technology, they were able to detect a certain creature with their 3 sonar contacts. The data that they were able to receive was that the creature was larger than a shark but smaller than a whale.

Here's the link for more interesting facts about the Loch Ness monster.


Is The Loch Ness Monster Real?

If you are going to search the web about the existence of Nessie, you will be provided with thousands of pages as results. YouTube alone gives 106,000 results and the number of the videos are still adding up. Images or pictures seems to be endless that you can no longer tell which one of them are fake and real.

Could it be there a top secret government trying to cover the very existence of the Loch Ness monster?

So far, the answer into the question if Loch Ness is real still depends on your own perception. It's because there is still no solid or valid evidence that can prove about creature's existence. But in my own opinion, this large aquatic monster probably exist where they inhabit the deepest portion of the sea that no man could ever explore. Some of the Loch Ness creatures that were sighted around the world were just probably the curious once who wants to check out the surface.

Is Loch Ness A Magical Creature?

Based on the myths, the Loch Ness monsters were legendary water horses. Anyone who attempts to ride on their back will get drown into the lake and to be eaten by the monster. Old folks used to tells such stories to their children for the purpose of keeping them away from playing near the lake.

You may also want to watch the popular kids' TV Show Scooby-Doo! on their episode where they get to make some investigation about the Loch Ness monster incidents. Other than this kiddy show, you may also want to watch the movie entitled "The Water Horse".

Is It True That The Monster Is Already Dead?

In one of the recent news reports, a Japanese fishing vessel had caught a dead corpse of a strange creature. Basing from the size and description of the dead creature, it closely resembles the Loch Ness monster.

If the report was true and that was the dead corpse of the Loch Ness monster, it doesn't mean that this rare aquatic creature no longer exist. There are probably more of them because of the multiple sightings that has been recorded in the history from different parts of the world.

How Big Exactly Is the Loch Ness Monster?

Nobody can tell the exact size of how big is the Loch Ness monster unless somebody can capture the creature or photograph it with some reference scale. Anyway, some experts had made an estimate measurement of around 15 to 20 feet length and about 2,500 pounds of weight.

Moreover, the Loch Ness monsters are out there. Only time can tell until we can acquire some solid proof about their existence. Perhaps we need a more highly advance form of technology that can aid us with the underwater world exploration.

In your own opinion, what is the Loch Ness monster to you?

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