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How to Change E or G Status to 3G/H/H+/4G/LTE Mobile Data

If you are experiencing a wireless signal status on your mobile device which is indicated by the letter E or G, it means that your internet speed connection is running slow. E stands for EDGE while G is for GPRS/2G which both indicates a weak signal where you can only utilize a speed in terms of Kbps.

On the other hand, if your phone is getting a signal status which is 3G, H, H+, 4G, HSDPA, HSPA, or LTE then it means that you are experiencing an internet connection speed which is at Mbps.

A mobile phone’s wireless internet connection status icon is normally found along the side the signal bar. And, it only appears when the network data is enabled.

There isn’t really a problem when you are already getting a signal status under the 3G category. The issue is with the 2G which is the E or G signal status.

There are actually two main reasons why your device is getting such poor signal. One, you have an old phone which is only capable of utilizing 2G network. If this is the case then there is no other solution but to buy a new phone.

Two, you are at a location where the signal of your network is pretty weak or it is fluctuating. You will notice that the signal status on your device is constantly changing from E or G to 3G. Good thing is that, this can be fixed.

Steps for Connecting to 3G/4G/LTE Network

Fix for those with Android phones:

Step 1: Navigate to the settings of your phone.

Step 2: Under the settings, you have to access your “Tethering and networks”. The way you access this particular setting do varies from the model of the phone and their OS version. But in most cases, the setting can be found under the “More Settings” option.

Step 3: Next is to access the option, “Mobile Networks” and then select “Network Mode”.

Step 4: You are finally at the last setting which is at “Preferred network/Network Mode”. Under this setting, you are given the option to select WCDMA/3G only, LTE/WCDMA/GSM auto, 2Gonly, LTE preferred.

Step 5: By trial-and-error method, select which is the best option on your area that delivers a satisfying connection speed.

Fix for those with iPhone or iOS:

Step 1: Go to the Settings of your device.

Step 2: Access the “Cellular/Mobile” setting.

Step 3: Select “Voice and Data”.

Step 4: Under the mobile data, choose or Enable LTE, 3G, and 2G.

All Mobile Data Wireless Network Connection Signal

If you are familiar with the mobile data wireless network connection signal then you can make the necessary adjustment on the settings of your device. Doing so will let you experience the best out of those mobile data promos that you registered.

There are currently four categories of wireless network signal that are available today. Depending on the strength of the signal that your device is receiving, it may switch from one network to another unless you made changes to the settings as instructed on the steps above.

WCDMA/3G only

Your device will purely use the 3G network only if you set its setting to WCDMA/3G only. Other available wireless network in your area will totally be ignored. Thus, make sure that your location has a strong 3G network otherwise you will experience no connectivity at all.


The best and most common setting of network that you should use is the LTE/WCDMA/GSM auto. It is currently the most stable wireless network in most locations.

This setting actually works by choosing the type of network starting from the network that delivers the best connection speed.

2G only

You should avoid connecting to 2G/EDGE network only because you will most likely waste your time even if you are just browsing the web.

LTE preferred or 4G/LTE

Unfortunately, not all places are covered by the LTE network. But, if it happens that you are living on an area with strong LTE network coverage then you will experience the fastest internet connection speed that a wireless mobile data can provide today. Unless, 5G get’s introduced.

Today, new models of Android phones are capable of LTE connections. This means that you can set your phone to connect to the LTE network only.

Here are the following simple steps on how to do it:

Step 1: Dial *#*#4636#*#* or *##4636##*

Step 2: Chose, “Phone Information”.

Step 3: Set the setting to “LTE only”.

Step 4: And finally, “Update” it.

Moreover, after you have selected your preferred type of mobile data network connection, this will temporarily disconnect your data connection and then re-connects again. This time, you will notice the change you made where the network that you have chosen is now what’s being shown on your device’s signal status.

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