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What Homestuck Troll Character Are You?

Are you a webcomic fan of "Homestuck"? If you are then you might be interested to know what Homestuck troll character-counterpart you really are. There are already numerous sites around that that gives this interesting test.

The test consist of several questions asking about your personality. It is in fact some kind of odd personality test the reason why you have to choose your answers honestly or the result won't be accurate.

Here are the complete list of questions asked from the test:

1. What is your zodiac sign?

- Zodiac sign refers to the formation of stars that can be observed up in the clear sky during night time. Astrologist had identified 12 unique formations giving them each unique names. The year of your birth is exactly what determines your zodiac sign.

2. If there was a petting zoo with every creature you could ever think of, which would you look at first?

- The creature that first came into my mind wasn't in the list of answers. If it goes the same thing to you then just choose the closest answer provided on the list.

3. Your flaw is?

- Your flaw can also mean your bad attitude or negative characteristic of yourself.

4. What's good about you is?

- In my case, there are 5 answers that describes about me from being a good person but the test only allows me to choose just one answer. So choose the answer where you have the strongest point of being a good person.

5. What would you like as a job?

- The job being referred here is the type of work that you will surely going to enjoy. Simply choose the answer that says "I will think about it later" if the job you like is not on the list.

6. Pick one...

- You will be choosing a series of words that has something to do with your personal characteristics. Simply choose your most favorite type of word.

7. Pick another...

- Just like above, you are going to pick a word but this time it's a word that corresponds to your favorite role or character.

8. Upon entry of the game sburb, where would you prefer to be stuck?

- Since you are a Homestuck fan, it is already considered that you have already played the game sburb. Simply choose on the list on which part of the game would you end up having trouble or difficulty.

9. Your typing style?

- When you type on your keyboard, choose from the list of answers on how you spell your words to form a sentence.

10. Which would you rather as a power?

- This is a question where you get to choose an answer from the list on what kind of special power that you would like to posses.

11. Weapon

- Choose your favorite weapon.

12. Which would you rather as a handle on the pesterchum?

- If you have no idea about what is a pesterchum then choose the answer that says "I am gonna leave this out because it's weird".

13. Who would you want as an ancestor?

- Ancestor was the very first people where you came from. In other words, your great-great grand parents.

14. What is your favorite color?

- Choose the color that you like most.

Ready to take the test? Follow the link below:


Overall, this isn't a personality test wherein it has nothing to do with your real characteristics. It is just a test wherein it determines the Homestuck troll character that has the closest resemblance of personality that you have.

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