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I Feel Pretty (2018) Comedy Movie

If you are looking for newly released comedy film on this year of 2018 then I do recommend, “I Feel Pretty”. It is actually one great amazing comedy that really made me laugh so much but at the same time, I also got inspired.

The main character was, “Renee Bennett” (played by Amy Schumer).

In the beginning, she has this issue about her low esteem which she blames it to her physical appearance. It was often the cause of her life being so unlucky and worst, she had a hard time getting a boyfriend.

One day, Renee had an accident where she hit her head hard from an accidental fall. When she woke up, she sees herself a lot differently but only through her own perspective view. Staring herself on the mirror, she saw herself as one beautiful sexy women.

This was actually the best part of the movie that is full of so much laughter and inspiration.

Due to how she perceived her new appearance, Renee was full of so much confidence that allowed her to achieve what she really wants.

What’s with the comedy?

There are no actions on this movie that are involve. It is more about talking and the main character doing some nasty stuffs being aware only for herself that she’s very pretty, sexy and hot. But in reality, she’s her same old self which was a fat lady.

All the comedy scenes really made me laugh most of the time and I found nothing that can be very offensive to anyone.

The Moral Story is all about Confidence

What I like most about this movie is the moral story which is about gaining confidence to achieve your success in life.

At the end of the movie, Renee had realized that nothing had changed about her looks. It was actually more about her good personality and high-confidence that made her a successful women.

Thus, things in life can all be achieved not because of your physical appearance but by how you perceive things in a very positive way and full of overflowing confidence.


If you have been watching a lot of action and drama movies recently, you should give yourself a break and try to watch some comedies. And among them, I suggest that you should add I Feel Pretty on your list.

People who also have the same issue of having low esteem, this movie is highly suggested for them to watch. After watching it, they may see themselves a lot more different which can also change their life for the better.

I know that there are some critics to this movie but based on my research, I cannot find any valid reason why they hate it. In other words, critics’ opinion about this movie is more about trolls.

Overall, I can rate this movie as an 8 out of 10.

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