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Edible Green Frogs | Lithobates Clamitans

In my entire life, most frogs that I encountered in the Philippines consists of brown to gray color. It's very rare to find green colored frogs in my hometown but I do not know in some other provinces of the country.

What I know about frogs that inhabits my hometown is that, they are "not edible". Especially the "toads", a frog specie with back consisting of rough surfaces. They are actually poisonous frogs but some locals claims that they can be eaten provided that you know how to remove the "not-edible parts".

Scientists scientifically refers green frogs as "Lithobates Climatans". It is a sub-species of other green frogs known as the "bronze frog" and the "northern green frog".

Green Frog

According to some researchers, an adult green frog can grow at a length of about 5 to 10 centimeters and they could weigh about 28 to 85 grams. And here's the most interesting fact about them, females usually grow larger in size than their male counterpart.

Habitats and Food they Eat to Survive

There is really nothing special about green frogs as compared to the other ordinary species of frogs. They inhabit and thrive on places that offers them shallow freshwater such as ponds, lakes, swamps and streams.

Green Frog Habitat

During the day, they spend most of their time resting along the shore. Let your imagination work by thinking of them taking a very relaxing sun-bath. Whenever somebody approaches them, either a human or an animal, they will immediately leap and dive into the water.

When it comes to the food they eat, they actually prey on small creatures such as spiders, fish, tadpoles and snails.

Reproduction Process

Green frogs have a monthly season for reproduction which falls between April to August.

When a male and female green frog mates, the male will grasps the female with his forelimbs posterior. Once in their proper position, the female will release its eggs and simultaneously, the male will also release its sperms. The sperms will have to swim into the eggs and fertilization begins.

Assuming that the eggs have finally hatched, what comes out from them are green tadpoles. All frogs have to start from being a tadpole then they evolve into frogs as they mature. Male green frogs would take at least one year for them to become fully matured. But for the females, it takes them 2 to 3 years before they become sexually matured and ready to reproduce.

Green Frogs are Edible

Surprisingly, green frog is a good source of food in France even in the Philippines.

However, it requires knowledge and experience when it comes to identifying edible green frogs. Simply encountering and capturing any green colored frogs doesn't mean that they are edible just by simply basing it on their colors. There are actually other signs which can be used as a basis if the frog is edible or not.

Edible Green Frog

Thus, if you do not know what you are doing then it's best to avoid attempting to eat green frogs as you might have caught the poisonous type. Otherwise, you should consult the expert to help you out with the identification process.

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