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What Is a FaceBook Troll?

What exactly is a FaceBook Troll? Are they the mythical creatures in the deep forest of Norway who are spending their time doing FaceBook during the day and only comes out during the night?

The answer into the question above is that, the troll being referred on FaceBook aren't the mythical creatures of the forest but human individuals who simply makes fun of others in various negative and harmful ways.

Here are some of the common methods on how a FaceBook troll attacks his victim:

Disagrees to Everyone

Let's say that you have a FaceBook fan page with a large number of audiences. And, let's assume that you have grown your audience by posting your attractive photos on your page. All of them are saying that you look very attractive, good-looking and all sorts of praises regarding about your photos. Then suddenly, one person started posting things that disagrees to everyone's opinion. A troll who may say things such as, "You are ugly", "You look horrible" and other similar contradicting remarks. Thus, a FaceBook troll always disagrees to everyone's opinion.

Does Not Listen to Reason

A FaceBook troll is actually an "Internet Troll" with a goal of simply annoying their target individual. If it happens that you have been targeted by a troll, no matter how you reason out with him, he will not listen to them. Thus, there is no point in making any good reasoning to a troll to stop what he is doing. In fact, the more that you reason to him, the more he gets entertained.

Trouble Maker

Another approach of a FaceBook troll is to cause trouble. They will take pride of themselves claiming that they are far superior to anybody and unbeatable.

Let's say that you posted on your FaceBook profile your Artwork that made you won the contest and claimed the First Price. Suddenly, the FaceBook troll will attack you by boasting himself that your artwork is just a piece of trash which is incomparable to his own magnificent artwork.

Telling Lies or Things that Aren't True

All FaceBook trolls are liars. Everything that they tell consists of lies that they simply made up. Just like the example above, the troll claims that he has an incomparable magnificent artwork yet he couldn't present any of them as proof.

A Bully

The most serious form of a FaceBook troll attack is "bullying". There has already been numerous incidents of victims committing suicide just because of the reason that they couldn't handle the psychological effect of the troll's attack.

Threats and Other Vicious Behavior

Most FaceBook trolls who threatens their victims actually knows them personally. Considering that you are the victim, your FaceBook troll will issue you a threat to expose your secret if you do not want to do his bidding. It's like a form of "Black Mailing".

How to Deal with it?

FaceBook policy actually prohibits trolls. So if it happens that somebody on your list of friends or members of your group or pages is a troll, it is actually easy to get rid of him.

If the troll is included on your list of friends, simply remove him and he won't be able to bother you again.

For pages, you can contact the page owner and report the troll. But if you own the page, it is a lot easier to deal with the troll by kicking him out of your member's list.

Overall, by getting rid of the troll out from your contact lists, this will remove their privileges to make a post. If somehow that your troll keeps coming back with different profiles, the best solution is to learn how to ignore him. Just don't pay attention to his posts and sooner or later, he will stop making those inflammatory posts against you.

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