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Process of Updating your BDO Account

It’s been like more than six months when I haven’t used my BDO booklet in either cashing out or deposing my money. I mainly just used my ATM card for withdrawing my cash. Besides, I only use my BDO bank account for withdrawing purposes.

Withdrawing from ATM actually do have a limited amount of money that you can cash out. The limit is 30 thousand pesos per day. Anyway, I don’t really need this much of an amount but only during some emergency cases.

In order to withdraw a much higher amount than the limitation or to withdraw all of your money from your bank account, you need to visit BDO’s office and use your booklet.

On my case, I was going to withdraw a large amount of money to buy construction materials. What I really do not like withdrawing cash on this manner is that, you have to spend a lot of time on the line. Basing on my experience, it took me about two hours of waiting period before my number was called out.

After the long, boring and tiring wait, I thought I was finally going to take my cash out and then proceed to my next intended errand for the day. However, the main issue just started here. The BDO staff just said that I needed to “update my account” before I can do any cash out.

Inside my own mind and emotion, I was freaking out. If there is only a way to know that I needed to update my account then I would have already proceeded into the other BDO office responsible for attending this kind of concern.

So I went to the other BDO office in charge of updating accounts because “I have no other choice”. The lane consist of just a few people so I got in touch with one of the staff right away.

I thought that updating my account will take just a few minutes but I was wrong. I had to fill-up a lot of papers and applications again. What I noticed is that, the papers I filled-up was the same papers when I first applied for my new account. In short, “updating your account is like applying for a new account”.

The updating process took about an hour because it was probably the BDO staff were so busy at that time.

When I was done updating my BDO account, I immediately went back to the other office where I just recently spend hours for nothing. There, I saw that the crowd had grown even more. This means that I had waited more than two hours until I was got called again.

Fortunately, there was no longer a problem where they finally released my money that I needed for that day. Although, all those hours spent took all my entire day where I no longer had the time to do my other errands.

Why You Need to Update your BDO Account?

I do understand that updating your BDO account is very important because some personal information may have been changed. This is especially true for the contact number and location or address. But it could really be a hassle especially for a busy person like me.

If I could only make suggestion with this required account update procedures, BDO should allow their customers to use their online official website to accomplish this task as an alternative way. I know that some individuals do have some problems when it comes to online related procedures. But, there are also individuals like me who finds it more advantageous.


I still consider BDO as a reliable bank. Now that I recently updated my account, I won’t be facing this same issue again until the next six months period to come.

Speaking about the six month period, BDO should consider lengthening it to like 1 to 2 years. I really have no idea why they are so strict in maintaining their client’s account to be well updated.

There are actually so many questions that I would like to ask to the BDO staffs in their office. But, their lack of manpower gives them the excuse to avoid answering my questions.

Moreover, I am pretty sure that BDO is always finding better ways. I actually find it very surprising that the issue I had experienced once before got finally resolved. Thus, I am pretty sure that there will be a better solution to this occasional sudden account update sometime in the future.

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